Scandic Hotels’ Fiskers honoured with HSMAI Region Europe’s Outstanding Leadership Award

Scandic Hotel’s long-standing President and CEO Frank Fiskers is the first European travel and hospitality executive to be awarded HSMAI Region Europe’s Outstanding Leadership Award.

Friday 16 June saw the celebration of Scandic Hotel’s withdrawing Frank Fiskers, after more than seven years as the hotel chain’s President and CEO – and a quarter of a century in leading positions in travel and hospitality.

Mr. Fiskers invited friends and colleagues to an after work gathering at the Scandic No 53 in Stockholm last Friday evening, including HSMAI Region Europe’s President and CEO Ingunn Hofseth, who surprised the industry champion with HSMAI Region Europe’s newly launched Outstanding Leadership Award.

The HSMAI Region Europe jury states the following reason for awarding Mr. Fisker the recently introduced prize:

HSMAI Region Europe is honoring Frank Fiskers as a visionary leader with great passion for the hospitality industry. His amazing achievements, positive energy and special gift for speaking publicly has made him well respected in the hotel and travel industry globally. He has held leadership roles in the hotel industry for 25 years across multiple countries throughout Europe and Africa. Frank Fiskers has held a number of top executive positions, in reputable hotel corporations such as Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group and Hilton Hotels Worldwide.

For more than 7 years he has been the President and CEO of Scandic Hotels and led Scandic to world-wide recognition and multiple awards for its outstanding work within Sustainability. Scandic has almost doubled from 130 to 230 hotels under his leadership and he has raised the group to the strongest share price in the world among all listed hotel companies. He has also been a driver behind getting “accessibility” on the agenda of the hotel industry.

His ability to develop his leaders and empower them is exemplary and makes him a role model in the industry. He also understands the importance of helping out and giving back to industry associations, like our own HSMAI, in order for the industry as a whole to progress and thrive. Congratulations!

‘I am profoundly honoured by this award from HSMAI. My journey with leading Scandic has been an amazing experience and I am of course delighted over it being recognised in this way,’ Mr. Fiskers says, in response to the surprise.

‘We are very thankful for Frank Fiskers’ commitment, both to the industry and to HSMAI over the years, and hope to see many years of continued cooperation, where ever he may land in the wake of his Scandic era,’ says HSMAI Region Europe President and CEO Ingunn Hofseth, who caught Mr. Fiskers by surprise, as she presented the award in Stockholm last Friday night.

Photo: Scandic Hotels’ departing president & CEO Frank Fiskers. Photograph from Scandic Hotels.